Saturday, March 19, 2011

Renaissance Festival

We went to the Sherwood Forest Renaissance Festival this weekend. When you step through the gates, it's like stepping back in time. At first, I was a bit afraid, but I quickly was ready to explore the grounds. My favorite things were the petting zoo and the magic show...and my first ever FUNNEL CAKE!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Break Fun

We spent a quiet week, mostly at home. We did venture to San Antonio one day to visit Morgan's Wonderland where we met my friends Abbie and Evelyn. This park is simply a perfect place to spend the day. I even got to "drive" a car!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kids Cook Field Trip

Today my class took a field trip to Kid Cooks and then to the park for a picnic and kite flying. After my lessons at the kite festival, I was ready for flight. Unfortunately, kite flying seems to be quite tricky!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


My cousin dog Jake is always so happy to get some attention that he lets me do just about whatever I want to him. Poor Jake...

Zilker Kite Festival

After a fun ride on the school bus shuttle, we met my friend Gavin at Zilker Park for the annual kite festival. The wind wasn't cooperating, but I still gave it my best effort. There were also games and rides and plenty of soaking in the sun while spread out on our blanket. Daddy couldn't come with us, but he and I later in the day made some kite-flying attempts in the back yard.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Snow Day #2

Each year at Capitol School, they bring in a couple of loads of SNOW for us! The snow we got from nature a few weeks ago was very powdery and not good for building snowmen, but this snow was nice and wet. As an extra treat, we got hot cocoa and cookies after the fun.

What Happened?

Life with me is sometimes challenging, but there's always been the extremely easy parts, too, especially my sleeping habits. The "Ferberizing" method worked so well and quickly that Mommy sent Dr. Ferber some candy and a t-shirt that read "Someone in Texas Loves You!". He responded with a personal note, which is tucked in my baby book (he's a BIG DEAL in the baby world!). Since then, there has always been this invisible force field around my bed - that's the most logical explanation to explain why I never, ever, ever left my bed. Even if I slept until 10:00 on a Saturday morning, I would wait for Mommy to come get me. Well, the morning of my 4th birthday, I marched into the living room and shocked the parents. The force field had been compromised!!! Every night since, I have found my way out of my bed, out of my room, and into Mommy and Daddy's bed. I am quite stealthy - sometimes they don't even know I have crawled in until they wake up to find me nestled ever-so-sweetly between them.