Sunday, March 29, 2009

Roller Derby

The Derby sign is pointing one way and I am pointing the other!

Mommy and me with "Cherry Chainsaw"

Some of the Holy Rollers

Round and Round and Round They Go!

A typical outing for me is going to the park, preschool, swimming, zoo, etc...but tonight we branched out and went to the Roller Derby. Yes, Roller Derby! Today my Aunt Celia came to Austin to visit me and to go to the Roller Derby competition between the Cherry Bombs and the Holy Rollers. The daughter of a good friend of hers is "Lady Libertine" on the Holy Rollers. The rules for the teams are quite similar to rules for a two-year-old - no biting, no pushing, etc... - and if they are broken, time-outs follow. We thought it sounded like fun, so we went also. It was fun, but a bit too loud and raucous for me, so we left after only a little while. While we were there, we saw and met some interesting people! The Roller Derby is doing its part in the "Keep Austin Weird" effort! BTW- the Cherry Bombs won.

One More Bath Photo

I realize there has been a serious bath/swimming theme this past week on my blog. I promise this will be the last water-related photo, at least for a while. It is just too cute to not share!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Indoor Fun

We woke this morning to a beautiful sunny sky, but temperatures in the low 40's and the wind blowing. Unlike the Obama girls, I am fair-weathered and opted to stay inside. In addition to baking some Monkey Bars (Sneaky Chef recipe - full of healthy ingredients - disquised as a cookie), we PAINTED! It was lots of fun to paint on paper, but it was beyond exciting when Mommy painted my toenails!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Hippity, Hoppity, Easter's on its Way!

Guess who's excited about Easter? I love the bunnies, the chicks, the eggs, the baskets, the Easter books, the bunny stickers...and my bunny costume, of course! I spend a great deal of my day hopping around the house.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Twenty Six Months Old

Dearest Victoria Pearl,
Well, I think I have (almost, maybe) officially accepted that you are a little girl now. Don't get me wrong, you will ALWAYS be my baby, but I can't deny that you are growing up. Physically, you are getting stronger and braver. You are making attempts at climbing up the walls and bar ladders at the park. Socially, you are still the friendliest and most affectionate kid around. People are always amazed and usually smitten (sometimes alarmed!) by the greeting they receive from you. You never meet a stranger. You are not putting many words together verbally, but can understand all that goes on around you. We watch you take it all in, as you study something with your serious face and furrowed brow. You are doing things in your own time, which is right on target for YOU.
This month we spent a lot of time at your BaBa's house, helping her get settled after her move. Since she down-sized, you no longer have a crib there, which means you slept with me. As we climbed into bed the first night, it struck me that we had never fallen asleep side-by side. We have brought you to bed in the middle of the night many times, but you always fall asleep in your own bed. In the dark, we giggled, sang songs and snuggled. You gave me at least 100 goodnight kisses before reluctantly going to sleep. These nights have been the most special slumber parties!
I read recently that more babies were born in 2007 than any other year in history. How was I so lucky to get the cream of the crop?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Another Swimming Alternative

Just hanging out...

Blowing Bubbles

Well, the rainy weather has come this week, so there won't be any swimming, even in the little pool. The bathtub will just have to latest trick at bath time is floating on my back - for a really long time - a couple of minutes at a time.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Too Cold to Swim?

Since the big pool is still too cold for a swim, Mommy brought out my little pool. She figured in a couple of days, with the 80+ degree weather we are having, it would be nice and warm. I; however, thought the water from the hose was just fine and hopped right in, fully clothed. Although I did say "cold" many times, I couldn't seem to pry myself out of there.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Trip to Victoria

Mommy, Daddy and I just got back from a trip to Victoria to visit BaBa. Victoria is where Mommy and Daddy met and got married, so that's why they named me Victoria! Now that BaBa has moved there, we are enjoying spending time there. Daddy played golf on Saturday while we girls went to the zoo and the park. I really do get spoiled when I am there. Check out the photo of BaBa feeding me while I watch my Curious George video. That's some good service!

Reaction at the Rodeo

The Carousel

The Petting Zoo
A Fine Spring Day in Austin

Me with My Friend Chloe

I went to the Austin Rodeo last Friday with Connie and some kids from the neighborhood. I was supposed to be home around 1:30 so we could leave for our trip to Victoria (we always head out at naptime!), but instead Mommy received a call from Connie saying she had me at the EMS tent. She immediately followed with, "She's okay", but Mommy had already stopped breathing by that point. The EMT got on the phone and explained that I had a "severe, localized" reaction to some bug bites and recommended some Benadryl. Once she heard I was breathing fine, Mommy also took a breath and gave permission for me to have the medication. I arrived home about an hour later, with swollen legs, but my usual smiling face. All that aside, I had fun at the Rodeo! There was a petting zoo and even rides that were age appropriate.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Donut Delight

I definitely have my daddy's sweet tooth. There's a donut shop around the corner from my swimming class. As a special treat, I get to have a donut after class. It's becoming a tradition!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Swimming Lesson Update

In January, I advanced from the Water Babies to the Super Water Babies. The most significant part of this change is that Mommy no longer gets in the water with me (she is most happy to stay dry!). Instead, I sit on a foam turtle on the side of the pool with my friends Gabriella, Michael and Max. My teacher, Miss Carla, says I have "good kickers" and breath control as I move through the water. I really enjoy swimming lessons and start squealing with joy as soon as we turn in the parking lot...and it's not just because they give me M&M's, although that sure doesn't hurt! Check out the video below!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Scenes from Museum Monday

Giving the lady who read us a story a hug...because that's what I do!

I need a price check on the milk, please!

Dancing to the Music

Shopping for Groceries

Checking Bunny's Heartbeat

I (really did!) put together a well-balanced meal in the kitchen!

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Getting Ready for Spring

Mommy's plants are still nestled in the alcove of the deck where they can easily be covered during cold weather. Now that warm weather is on its way, we decided to get the plants ready for the big move back out to the deck. Mommy did some pruning, and I helped her water them. The lemon and lime trees are covered with blooms, so hopefully they will bear lots of fruit in a few months. I'll do my part to make sure that happens!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Not ALWAYS Happy

For those who think I never cry, just take a look at this! There were no tears, but obvious distress over something...I can't quite remember what it was, but believe me, it had to have been LIFE-ALTERING!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pudding Face

What a mess!

If I could have licked the container, I would have!

One of the sweet-nothings Mommy uses for me is Little Puddin'. Well, today I had my first taste of pudding, and I would like nothing better than to eat so much pudding that I would make that statement true...yummy!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tent Time

Lately, the weather has been nice and warm, so I have been spending lots of time outside, which I just love. Today, a cold front blew in, and it was rainy and cold. Although I was sad I couldn't go outside, it was a perfect day to spend time in my new playroom. The best part of the room has to be the tent that hangs from the ceiling. Mommy and I spent a good two hours in the tent. We brought in extra pillows and read just about every book on my bookshelf. We took turns "knocking" on the door and welcoming each other into our "home". We had a picnic lunch. There was also plenty of tickling. Being inside wasn't so bad after all.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Boy Crazy

I like all people, but especially men - old ones, young ones and all of the ones in between. If I am greeting a couple, the man always gets the first hello hug. The Daddies in my playgroups, at school, swimming, etc...feel honored by my attention and assume we have a special bond. Mommy doesn't have the heart to tell them that I greet the man who delivers our Chinese food the same way. Today when Mommy came to pick me up at school, I was busy chasing a boy, trying to hug him. He was too fast for me, but maybe Tuesday...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Future Politician??

Tonight I got to attend one of Daddy's business dinners...for about ten minutes. Daddy takes (books of) my photos to show people how I am growing, so tonight was a chance for lots of those people to see me in person. I really put on a show for the group. I was my usual friendly self, greeting people with hugs until I noticed all the hand-shaking. I decided to follow-up each hug with a hand shake also. After ten minutes, it was time for me to leave with Connie. I exited with equal enthusiasm, waving and blowing kisses to everyone. There were many politicians in the group, and they teased that I already have some of the characteristics required for that profession.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Caroline's Birthday Party

The Birthday Girl
Bubble Time

My Friend, Charlie

Me and Tripp

Today was my friend Caroline's 3rd birthday party at Gymboree. They have the BEST BUBBLES at Gymboree! There was also an art project and some dress-up fun. Happy Birthday, Caroline!